Time for another Eating Out post! This time we take a look at Burger King. Like Red Robin, Burger King has a customizeable menu. As far as fast food goes, Joe has had the best luck with Burger King. They are everywhere, so whether you are out running errands and need a snack or on a long road trip and need dinner, it is a great option.
Some of our favorite sodium-friendly options are:
Whopper, Jr., 230 mg when you take away the pickles, ketchup, and mayo. The big winner here? Add an extra beef patty for only 30 additional mg sodium (260 mg total). This may be Joe’s favorite option.
Whopper, 480 mg when you ask for it without ketchup, pickles, and mayo. It’s a little high, but it may be doable, depending on your diet restrictions. If you are into eating a Whopper without the bun (or the other previously-mentioned salty add-ons), it’ll come in at only 65 mg.
Double Whopper, 540 mg without ketchup, mayo, or pickles. If you order this without a bun, ketchup, pickles, or mayo, it comes it at only 125 mg sodium.
Vanilla Soft Serve Cone is 100 mg sodium. We were surprised by how much sodium the shakes had (over 400 per shake), so you probably want to stay away from those. But the ice cream cone is not a terrible option if you have the numbers for it!
A note on french fries. You can order the fries without salt, but I cannot find nutritional information for how much sodium is in BK’s unsalted fries. Just be aware that they likely have at least 200 mg in a medium order, and could quite possibly have more than that.
Their customizing tool is easy to use, but it may take a little time to navigate to it. Start at Burger King’s menu page. You will see a list of categories – burgers, chicken, fries, etc. Click on the category you’d like, then click on the specific menu item. From there, you actually have to click once more – on a on a little orange flag that says “Info and Nutrition.” Once there, you can scroll down and click check boxes to remove items (like mayo, ketchup, pickles, and other salty additions). Play with it a bit; you might find some other items that will work on your diet.
I love this website. Please, please, please keep up the good work. Glenn
Thanks so much for the kind comment. I am going to keep it up; I love making and posting new recipes. I wish there were more time in the day so that I could post more often. Best of health to you!
A note on Fries: According to my friend a former employee at a Burger King, if you order fries with no salt, they are required to cook a fresh basket of fries, then while they are cooking, scoop all the existing fries to one side of the scoop bin, place down a piece of blotting paper on the other side, then wash the salt off the scooper. When the fries are done, shake off the extra oil, pour the fresh fries onto the paper, and scoop your salt-free fries into our bag using the freshly cleaned scoop. If you watch them while they make your order, this is what you should see. This is often NOT what happens. On two separate occasions at two separate locations in two different cities, the shift manager declared that the fries had not been salted and thus did not have salt, and proceeded to scoop fries from the bin using the scooper, resulting in serving me salted fries. (salt being transferred form the bin or the scoop from previous fries.) So while the have it my way option allows me to significantly lower the salt on my burger, you should think twice before ordering fries from Burger King.
Nutrition information on medium fries:
By the way, I love your bread recipe. I’ve used it a few times to make myself very low-sodium bread. I swap half the flour for whole wheat flour. Thanks for posting the information.
I would like your recipe for low sodium bread if you don’t mine. Just started a low sodium food plan.Thank you for the information in this post.love it!
I have a few other bread recipes as well, which you can check out by searching or using the menu. Best of luck with the new diet!