It’s been a while since I’ve checked in here so I wanted to take a few minutes to write a post. First, let me start with some good news that I think many of you will like.
Nutrition labels
I’ve recently learned about Cronometer, which I believe is going to be a good tool to replace what I’ve been using to calculate nutrition on recipes. I believe that my nutrition has been fairly accurate up to this point, so I don’t anticipate that the figures will change much as I go through and update recipes. The great news is that Cronometer includes potassium and phosphorus, which many of you have requested.
Be patient as I update recipes. After about five hours today I was able to get through a whopping eight recipes. I started with my most popular recipes, and will continue down the list until I am able to get through them all. So far, I’ve updated nutrition for:
Favorite White Bread
Creamy Low Sodium Mac and Cheese
Creamy Chicken Tetrazzini
Low Sodium Barbecue Sauce
Creamy Low Sodium Mashed Potatoes
Low Sodium Lasagna
Low Sodium Corn Bread
Roast Beef & Gravy
I’ll try to revisit this post to update that list as I go.
General life update
It’s been over a year since my last post, and while I assume that many of you haven’t noticed or particularly cared, I am going to give you a quick update. I, like many people, had a rough time over the last year and a half. The blog is a hobby of mine, and can take quite a bit of time and effort on my part so typically when I get busy, stressed, or strapped for time, it is the first thing I take off of my to-do list. Since kidney disease puts my husband at higher risk for severe illness from COVID, we were extremely isolated which added a high level of stress. Then I had a back injury that lasted many months and made it impossible to be upright for any length of time. I lost my dog of 15 years. I lost my father. Long story short, it was a really tough year. Some parts of the last year I will get over (like my back pain, thankfully) and others parts will just be puzzle pieces that click into place to make me more me. In any case, Things are looking up now and I hope to be back on here more consistently with new recipes up every few weeks.
I am so sorry that you have had such a tough year. I had actually missed you and was concerned. I have seen many people, some I know personally and others that I don’t drop off the grid, but just so you know, I do think of you every time I make one of your recipes! Hang in there. I hope things get better.
Thanks so much! I’m glad to be getting back at it.
Sorry for your loss and the hardships you’ve been facing. I hope things get better soon. ❤
I am sorry you had such a terrible year. So sorry for your losses , can symoathize for you father’s loss and your pet, having had this happen to me over the years. Hope your back is better and always believe that tomorrow will be better . (sorry, for sounding trite…but I really do believe that.) Take care and all of us will be waiting for your wonderful recipes!!.
Lauren (Laurie) Radcliff
So happy to hear from YOU — But I, too, am sorry to hear it has been a rough year for you. It’ been crazy that’s for darned sure. I’ve had a hard time being low sodium b/c some of the products I usually buy either weren’t available in my local stores (that we did and still do -curbside) and ordering online was either too expensive so I just did without. But I”m working to getting back on track so that will help my overall health. Can’t wait to see what you create next!! I’ve missed you!!
Very sorry for your losses and stresses last year. We all take gentle steps out of last year and it’s nice to see one of those steps for you!
So glad you’re back.
So sorry for your loss. sending prayers for you and your family.
i was happy to find your sight last year when we needed to swiitch
to a low sodium low fat diet. I have tried several of your recipes and they were
delicious! Thank you for all you do on this page to help so many other people.
your are truly a special person with a kind heart.
God Bless
So sorry for the loss of your dad and your beloved dog. ❤️Hope your back is healing up well. We walk a lot anyway but it was definitely a stress reliever for us when we couldn’t go anywhere. Our daily walk helped us relax. So thankful for your recipes !
Welcome back! Sad to hear of all your problems this past year but so glad you are back. Love this site and your recipes. Husband has congestive heart failure and I’ve made several of your recipes.
So very sorry for your loss. I pray things get better for you. Thank you for the recipes. I’m excited to try them as I’m on a low sodium diet. Take care of yourself.
I was so pleased to receive an email saying you are back on the website! I too was worried and wondered if you were ok. So sorry you have experienced such difficult losses, on top of the tough year and a half it has been.
What a coincidence, today I had made your Mac and cheese for lunch and had plans to make you biscuits (unbelievably good recipe) for Sunday breakfast tomorrow:)
I hope it helps in some small way to know that others have noticed your absence with concern and you are so appreciated!
Thanks to everyone for your kind thoughts! I so appreciate all of you. ❤️
I’m sorry for all you’ve dealing with! I’m on dialysis so my husband and I have been on lockdown since 2020. I’m sorry you’ve had other major life events happen as well.
Please know you & your blog we’re greatly missed! I was constantly hoping for updates, and relied on your recipes as we started cooking more in quarantine. Glad to have you back, and know you do have a community here who missed you and ready to welcome you back, regardless of how much you post! ❤️❤️
Thanks so much for the update, Kathy. My husband found your site several months back when I had to start a sodium restricted diet. I was having a very hard time adjusting, and figuring it all out was so stressful. I can’t even tell you what it felt like to find your site. There’s been few days that have gone by since then that I haven’t been on your site. I’m so sorry that you’ve gone through so much, but I want you to know that your work here has been basically miraculous for me. Thank you so so much for all of your hard work.
So glad to see you back–and my heartfelt sympathies for this past year+. We were also quite isolated due to my husband’s kidney dialysis and congestive heart failure, and I lost my Dad this past February. Hope things are going better for you…and everyone else out there who has been challenged during this pandemic.
I do want you to know how much your site has meant to us–that mac and cheese has become a go to meal ! And I can’t wait to see the nutrition updates, potassium and phosphorous are minefields for us. Bless you for all the help-and delicious recipes!-you have given to all of us trying to live well within our dietary restrictions.
I just found your blog this week. My 9 year old son was recently diagnosed with lupus nephritis and has been placed on a low sodium diet. As I scoured the internet looking for tips and recipes, I discovered your site. I’ve been low sodium cooking about a week now, and you’ve given me inspiration and hope that we can indeed do this. Know that what you are doing here is important and meaningful. Wishing you happier and easier times ahead. Take it one day at a time. That’s all you can do.
I am so sorry for your loss, and so sorry you had such a hard year. But I want you to know, you’ve helped me so much without even knowing who I am. About a year ago I was diagnosed with severe and aggressive Lupus. Multiple organ damage, and whole body inflammation. I almost needed a transplant for my kidneys, but I was lucky they diagnosed me in time. Since then my whole life was flipped upside down, and I can’t even recognize my own face anymore from all these medications. And I’m still not okay. But what sucked the most was that a huge foodie like me could no longer eat anything I didn’t cook at home. No salt allowed for me. SO when I found your blog my cooking adventure began. Your blog taught me how to cook again, and how to get creative with my seasonings. I realized I didn’t need salt to have flavour. It may seem pretty small, but it was huge to me. It brought back a little happiness into my life. Gave me hope to keep trying to pick up the pieces of what now feels like a past life.
Your blog made my life better after my diagnosis. And I know it helps many others like me too.
I wish you lots of love, strength, and happiness. <3
Thank you so much for the kind comments. I am glad that the blog could help amidst a really really hard diagnosis. I am sending good thoughts your way.
I’m so sorry you had such a terrible year. I wish you nothing but blessings for 2022. Your recipes will help me, help my husband stay healthier. I think you are an AWESOME person for sharing your knowledge. I look forward to more information from you.
Just discovered this site and it’s so helpful. Thank you very much! We made the biscuits and gravy this morning and couldn’t believe how good it was. I hope you and your family are doing well.
I thought about you and your husband as covid-19 progressed, as my husband also has chronic kidney disease and needs to NEVER get covid-19. I am immunocompromised due to a genetic mutation that has led to 44 (so far) other conditions and diseases, so we too are isolated, except for our online friends/communities.
I hope and pray both of you are are OK; so sad you lost your dad – I miss mine every day, and I do mean every day.
Sending much love and appreciation for your hard work, which is savings lives at my house, for certain.
Love and good wishes,
Carole from Atlanta